Friday, June 14, 2013

What Is Happiness?

"It is inevitable when one has a great need of something, one finds it. What you need you attract like a lover"
~Gertrude Stein

Leaving for our son's Make A Wish trip, Summer 2010.

Have you ever asked yourself what you truly need to be happy?
Is it a bigger house?
More money?
A second vehicle?
I used to think it was those things...
Until my son was diagnosed with cancer just before Thanksgiving in 2009.
That really makes you stop and evaluate what makes you happy...
If we just had more money to meet the bills and have some "mad money"...
If we had a couple hundred more square feet on house then everyone will have room to pursue their passions...
If we had a second vehicle then I could go to run errands and visit with people and volunteer more and....
The truth is: those things don't really matter.
The bigger house? More to clean and less time spent together as a family.
More money? The bills just get bigger or the hobbies more expensive.
A second vehicle? More time spent away from the family. And that extra money? There it goes.
I challenge you to ask yourself... What do I truly need to be happy?
Not happy the way society and the media portray happiness... But happy in your soul?
To be fully content.
You might surprise yourself.
This is my list.
With my Savior, learning to be the servant of my world.
With myself, to check in and make sure that I am nurtured and balanced in my pursuits.
With my family, developing deep, loving relationships that will ground my children in the security of a family identity.
From the doubt that I have listened to that still small voice and am walking the path already laid for me... no matter how rocky it is.
To garden, not acres and acres but enough to spend a little time each day nurturing beautiful and growing things.
To sew, beautiful and practical items that make my home more inviting
To cook, and nurture food as not just necessary for living but also as a time to savor the small things; like red velvet cupcakes in colorful wrappers with the perfect cream cheese frosting swirled just so.
To heal, and practice the art of holistic healing and leading those that come to me in their own healing journey.
To live, life as I see it.
"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth - and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up - that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had."
~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Stage

"When you are out of yourself - larger and more potent, more beautiful. You are for minutes heroic. This is power. This is glory on earth. And it is yours, nightly."
~Agnes DeMille
My first identity... from the time I stepped into my first class at the age of three... a dancer.

No matter where else life has taken me; wife... mother... student...
Dance has been an undercurrent of it all. It is rare that I hear a song on the radio and am not choreographing it in my mind.
I have been privileged to meet some truly amazing people... I have formed friendships that span the distance of life paths and reconnect when I least expect them to. 
 Dance has taken me on amazing journeys... places I never thought I would go.

No matter what comes in life I am thankful that God has allowed me to have the experiences that dance has given me.
Even though right now I can't fill my life with dance... it is still there. It infuses everything I do.
This morning I set aside some time to get back to the basics. I gave myself permission to follow my heart and spent some quality time with music and my kitchen
Yes, I said my kitchen...
See, I have been telling myself that I can't dance because I don't have the space... I can't afford to take class...basically I was having a pity party.
But then I realized that I have the space I need! All I need is something to hold on to...about 4 feet of space on three sides...and some inspiring music... I did a simple ballet barre routine standing at the counter in my kitchen.
I broke a sweat.. I was out of breath... my muscles burned and my legs turned to jello...
It was glorious!
The quote at the beginning of this post does not just apply to those who are performers in the classic sense.
We are all performers in our own lives. The question is... What kind of performance are you putting on? Are you just going through the motions or are you taking every moment to give all you have? Are you holding back or are you leaving it all on the stage?
I know I intend to embrace all of my passions. By doing so I am better equipped to be the best wife and mother I can be.
By making sure my soul is fed I can be open to allow God to work through me as I learn to aid in the healing of those I will encounter at school and eventually in my own practice.

Monday, June 10, 2013

You Only Live Once

This phrase is so often taken to the extreme:
Life is short, this is the only one there is. So let's do something stupid and crazy because who really wants to grow old anyway?
Since I have started looking inward and getting in deeper connection with my Creator I have a different view.
The heartache of the last month has made me aware...
We only have one life...
Enjoy that cup of tea.
Read a book with your daughter.
Star gaze with your son.
Wake up early and watch the sun rise.
Hold the hand of your love.
Read or maybe even write that novel.
Grab a canvas and a paintbrush and see what happens.
Listen to a cat purr.
Throw a ball for your dog.
Take that walk.
Really listen to that music...take it in.
Smell that rose. a coloring book...with crayons. Preferably with a 3 year old at your side.
Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them because you never know when it will be for the last time.
Yes, we only have one life, shouldn't that be enough?
I intend to enjoy every minute of it...even the small things.
Because if you are fully enjoying life.. the small things aren't really small at all...they may just be some of the most profound moments of your life.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Beginning

"There are years the ask questions and years that answer."
~ Zora Neale Hurston
Walking beside Central Park

I have this book. I have had it for almost exactly two years. It is a book that I had heard about many years before.
I remember the day I discovered it in a second-hand store while shopping with my mom and the children...
My life was turbulent to say the least.
I felt lost and disconnected with myself and those who are most precious to me. 

Then I found the book. 

                                    Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy

I was ecstatic!  It was only $2... a blessing for me at the time.
I brought it home and dove in, determining to start at January 1 and catch up to the current date...

But this book isn't meant to be powered through... as I quickly discovered. My heart and soul didn't want to be quickly changed. As much as I wanted to find my "authentic self" as the author describes, It can't be done in a couple days. 
Or a couple weeks. 

So I set it reluctantly aside and determined to start it on January 1... which is how the book is written.
Since then I have made several attempts to start the book "right". I will read for a couple days and then miss some so then I have to read a couple extra passages to catch up... Or, like this year, it got packed up because of circumstances beyond my control and I only recently unearthed it.

So I have decided that I am not going to stress about catching up, I am not going to just jump in to the middle either and ignore all the lessons that came before...

I am going to start right now, with January 1. 
Who says my new year has to be with the calendar? All sorts of celebrations mark their beginning at different times of the year. Birthdays, anniversaries, quitting a destructive addiction... 

They all mark a new year.

So this is my new year.
I am starting with January 1.

I can't wait to see where it takes me....

"And now let us welcome the New Year
Full of things that have never been."
~Rainer Maria Rilke

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why I Started My Journey

I am passionate about my family. I want only what is best for them. I started my Melaleuca journey because I am concerned about the products that I use to clean my home. I cannot use many commercial cleaners and do not feel they are safe for my family or the environment.
That is what first caught my attention. Then I heard about the business... I can share these wonderful products, and in sharing I can build something that will improve the lives of those I contact. 
I do not share Melaleuca t make money, that is not my goal. I share Melaleuca because I care about people and their health. I am in school for holistic healthcare because I care about people and their health.
Melaleuca also offers a way for me to provide for my family and remove some of the stress of financial responsibility from my hard working husband. 
I am willing to share Melaleuca with whoever will listen. I do not believe in a "sales pitch". I am never any good with them. 
Watch the video.
Make an informed decision, just because it is right for me doesn't mean it is right for you. But you owe it to yourself to at least check it out.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What Is On My Radar Today?

Sometimes life is crazy... Anyone else feel that way?

I started a new 8 week block of classes this week, it is VBS at our church, I started a business, my husband and I are taking the first steps to clean up our finances...


But, I am holding tight, doing what i must to keep the plates spinning for the good of my family and our future. 
The school will eventually end and I can start a career guiding people through their healing path.

Vacation Bible School is 4 days. My children will make friends and receive valuable tools that will carry them through the rest of their lives. 

With hard work and diligence I will build a lasting financial foundation that will carry my future generations to impact the world for good and hopefully improve the lives of those they touch.
Isn't that what we all really want? To make an impact on our world... leave our mark? 

On my radar today? 

First and formost I am staying in touch with my Creator and listening for His direction.

Laundry...and lots of it!

Reading with and generally enjoying the blessings that are my three children. Each one is unique and a delight!

Being the support and help that my husband needs by "holding down the fort". I keep his castle running smoothly so he doesn't have to worry while he is out conquering the world.

Build relationships in my business that will be lasting, not only financially but relationally as well. I am not looking to get rich... I am looking to help people achieve their goals in their health and the health of their families in whatever form that is for them.

Buy doing so, I know that in my small way I will leave a mark on the world. Even something as humble as laundry and clean dishes makes a mark. If you leave a lasting and comforting impression on those closest to you, your family, how much stronger are they to go out and leave their mark on the world?   

Just some thoughts as I get ready to go forth and conquer my day.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Vitamins I Use And Why

This video was posted on Melaleuca's YouTube Page almost 4 years ago. It is a news clip about the launch of the patented Oligo delivery system that Melaleuca uses in their vitamins.

I have an issue absorbing the necessary nutrients I need from the foods I eat. In order to supplement with vitamins from the drug store or even the health food store I typically have to take 2-3x what the bottle says I need! The only supplement brand I have ever used successfully was during my teen years and was supplied through the holistic doctor I was seeing at the time. 
Since then I have "made do" with whatever I could afford, knowing that they really weren't doing me any good but hoping anyway.
Then I discovered Melaleuca's Vitality Pack with the patented Oligo delivery system! These vitamins have made all the difference for me.

Why are vitamins and minerals called "essential"? 
Because they:
! Build the skeleton and all soft tissue!
!Regulate the body including heartbeats, blood clotting, nerve response and more!
!Are critical links for thousands of functions in your body!
!They are the components of antioxidant enzymes that neutralize the damage of free redicals!

 Some my ask...
 "Can't I just get my vitamins from my food? I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables."
Here's the truth:
Most produce you buy in the store has been picked while still green, before it can finish developing all the vitamins it should contain.
It has been stored and transported... sometimes thousands of miles to get to the store.
If it is processed, most of the nutrients have been destroyed before it even gets to you!  

But I take vitamins already...
  The minerals in traditional multivitamins are isolated, which makes them difficult for your body to absorb. Not only that, but isolated minerals cause an increase in free radicals. Those free radicals use up the vitamins in your supplement before you even have a chance to absorb it!!

The Oligo delivery system that Melaleuca uses keeps the mineral bound in a protective coating of proteins and fiber, just like it in nature. This system keeps the minerals soluble so your body can absorb them, which in turn makes it easier to absorb the vitamins because they aren't getting destroyed by free radicals from the minerals.


Oligo Technology Protects Antioxidant Vitamins up to 5 times better than Store Brands!

Vitamins and minerals are essential for a vibrant life, better health and more energy.
I know for me, when I take just the basic Vitality Pack, which is the multivitamin and calcium supplements, I have the energy and focus to get done all that is demanded of me in a day. When I miss a day... I can feel it!
I am a mom to three high energy children, I am a wife, I have a home to run. That alone is a full time job... but I am also a student in school 3 nights a week and most weekends working on a degree in holistic healthcare. And I am a budding business owner.
My days are full! My nights are even fuller!! 
Taking the vitamins and other supplements that Melaleuca offers makes all the difference for me.

If you are curious click here and explore. If you have any questions you can either click on the contact tab at the top of the site or e-mail me directly at

I hope I have sparked your  interest and gotten you thinking about your health.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Business Opportunity

I posted this to my other blog.

Let me start by saying this: I am not a "get rich quick" kind of gal. Nothing can or should can be achieved without hard work. I do not promote a product or a business unless I 100% believe in the company.

That being said, I was told yesterday of a wonderful opportunity with a company that I have had previous experience with...

For the month of May, Melaleuca is offering a special promotion:

Sign up 8 customers and receive a bonus of $1000... yep!

This is a company that I was introduced to more than 2 years ago and was a faithful customer for about 18 months. I LOVE the products and how the company is run and their focus on helping families achieve their goals.

I am going to be honest here... As much as I love the products, I did not promote the business side for one simple reason... because I didn't believe I could.

Since then I have renewed a friendship with someone who proves that what you set your mind to you can achieve... and don't take no for an answer!

This person is crazy, faces life head on, and acknowledges no obstacles... only ways to overcome them.

She is good at pulling me out of the comfort zone of my mind and helping me to realize that life doesn't have to stay where it is at. If you don't like where you are at or something isn't working for you, change it!

So, with this renewed sense of direction I am going to jump out on a limb here... Come this Saturday, May 25, I would like to rejoin Melaleuca with at least 8 people who want to change their way of looking at life.

The beauty of this company is that it is internet based. You don't have to have an inventory, you don't have to do parties(unless you want to), you don't even have to talk to anyone face to face(unless you want)!

I have heard of at least one mom who makes a living from her family, has customers and team members all over the country, and has never left her home! She markets on-line and on the phone.

Check out this page Melaleuca On A Mission

Watch the videos, do some research. This is a solid company with a solid financial history and a mission to help families.

I have tried many different products for cleaning my house and taking care of my families health needs. I can honestly say that Melaleuca, hands down, gets my seal of approval.

Their cleaning products are concentrated so you use less. The spray cleaners are refillable with each refill making anywhere from 2-6 bottles of spray so you are not being charged for the water in your product! Their vitamins are the most effective ones I have taken besides the line a doctor prescribed to me when I was a teen. All of their products are nontoxic, safe for your home and the environment. They have a line of sports nutrition that is the best I have ever used. Weight-loss aids, first-aid supplies, makeup, snacks... you name it they have it!

This coming Sunday celebrates 13 years of marriage to my wonderful husband. I would love to celebrate that milestone by securing the financial future for us and our children.

Do you know 8 people who are concerned about the health of their families, the safety of their cleaning supplies, and the quality of their nutrition and vitamins? Would they like to make extra money knowing that the products they are sharing are safe, effective and checking account friendly?

If you are interested you can e-mail me at
I will answer your questions to the best of my ability.

We have until May 31 to get everyone in on this promotion. Will you join me?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Imperfect Way To: Build a Pallet Garden

Just about every morning, before I get out of bed, I check in with my self. I ask me what I need to do to nurture me today... I always answer with something different... A pedicure... an aromatherapy bath... yoga... chocolate...
Today... I answered with gardening... some time spent grounding myself by burying my hands in the ground.

I have had this old pallet sitting in my back yard for almost a year now. I knew I wanted to make a pallet garden I just wasn't sure how... Then it got to hot... then it got to cold... then it rained...
Now it is the first week in April and I have almost missed the Spring planting time for my arid climate! 

Even though there are about 75 other things I could be doing... I took myself out the back door to soak up some vitamin D and set up my garden!
Mavis over at One Hundred Dollars a Month has a wonderful pallet garden tutorial here and a vertical pallet garden tutorial here... she is my hero...
Anyway... I have this old pallet...

Materials you will need:
A pallet
Something to back your pallet with
Staple gun
Garden soil

I don't have any garden fabric... Which is recommended... and getting some is not in the budget... so I am improvising! I am using a double layer of plastic sheeting that we bought to mask off areas during our construction.
Take your backing of choice and staple it really good to the back of your pallet... I meant to take pictures of it all stapled but was to excited... forgive me?

I bought this bag of organic soil at my local Home Depot. It is a 3 cubic feet bag and cost under $8.00 

Cut a hole in the top of the bag and dump it in!
(You can plant right in the bag... a topic for future gardening fun..)

Here it is with all the soil smoothed out. You have to be sure and push the dirt under the rungs of your pallet... The roots of your plants will need to spread more sideways than normal so you want to be sure to have the soil even.

Here is what I planted:

In the very back section:
Snap peas

The first narrow row:
Bell peppers

The next narrow row:

The front wide section:
Onion sets

I am taking a chance with the celery and spinach... I am late in planting them... But gardening should be a fun case of trial and error! 
My plan is for the peas to grow up the side of the chicken coup and the calendula will act as a shade for the spinach. 
I will need to water this probably twice a day. It is shallow and the sun just sucks the moisture out of everything around here!
Now... we wait and see what develops...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Groceries For The Week

Money is tight. You hear that everywhere you go. People are losing their jobs, having to get creative or just plain cut back on not only luxuries but also on the everyday necessities. We have had to tighten our belts and our purse strings a lot recently. We are not wealthy by ANY stretch of the imagination. Our children qualify fro free lunch but we do not qualify for government assistance... which is fine... We have had enough to meet the bills, buy the gas and groceries, and have a little "fun" money.  
Now things are very tight. I am not sure where the funds are going to come from to meet our needs... but I do know that God is faithful and has always provided what we NEED.
In the meantime, the bills still need to be paid and we still need to put gas in the car... so that leaves the groceries and the "fun" that is feeling the squeeze. I am focusing on the groceries for now. Later on I will share frugal fun... once I get that figured out! 

Here are the groceries I purchased this week. Keep in mind there are 5 of us. Hubby, myself, and 3 growing and active children. As well as a turtle, a cat, one remaining chicken(thanks to one of the dogs), and 5 dogs. I haven't figured out the animal needs yet... trusting that they will be provided for when the time comes.
I purchased all of my groceries at Walmart. I will do this for the first month or so as a baseline cost. Then I will start bargain shopping elsewhere.
I try to cook as much as I can with whole, natural foods. While I do prefer to use organic, that really doesn't fit into my budget at the moment. But I do have a few tips I will be sharing along the way... So stay tuned! 

 4-pack of Charmin  $3.36
1 roll paper towel  $.97
1 box Kleenex  $.97
2 bars Fels Naptha soap  $1.94
1 can shave cream(store brand)  $1.67
2 boxes mac and cheese(store brand)  $1.36
2 Cup-o-Noodles  $.50
1 lb thin spaghetti  $.82
2 lb white beans  $1.88
1 bag egg noodles  $1.00
1 pkg corn tortillas(24ct)  $1.68
1 loaf clearance Italian bread  $.96
2 bags romaine hearts  $5.96
3 pack bell peppers  $3.88
1 bag green onions  $1.15
1 pkg hot dogs  $1.00
1 lb lean ground beef(clearance price)  $3.35
1 doz cage free eggs  $2.68

 3 lb frozen chicken breast  $7.98
1 bag frozen mixed veggies  $1.67
What is not in the picture is a card I bought for my secret sister and 2 boxes of soda that hubby gave me money for.
My total, after tax, came to $49.57... Just barely inside my $50 per week budget.

Now, I know I could have saved even more money by cutting back on the quality of my meat, eggs and toilet paper... but I need to keep a few luxuries!
I will be making videos throughout the week detailing how I am using these ingredients. 
I hope this helps someone with struggling to provide for their families in these times. Just remember you are not alone!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Hair

I, like most women have had a life-long, on and off, love-hate, relationship with my hair. It has been a multitude of lengths from my waist when I was in my teens, shoulder length when I started having children, above chin my chin after a frightening bout of alopecia, and currently bra strap length. It has been layered, permed and highlighted.... but, the one thing I have never done is change the color... I love my deep copper/ginger hair color!

I have tried various hair care theories and "miracle" products. Here is my conclusion....

I LOVE long hair. I come from a traditionalist family where a woman's hair is her crowning glory and is kept long. I also have a love for historic fashion.... which included LONG hair, always pinned up in beautiful up-dos.

One of the recent changes in my life is that I have started going to Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to pursue a degree in massage therapy with certificates in aromatherapy and cranial unwinding... and that is only the beginning. Going to a holistic healing school has made me take a hard look at how I live my life and what products I am using to care for myself, my family, my pets and my home.

So, here are the goals for my hair:

1. Length- currently bra strap length (BSL) with layers. I would like it to be waist length, not sure if I  will keep the layers or not yet.

2. Health- I have naturally wavy/curly hair, fine but a lot of it. It tends to be dry , especially the ends.

I am working up a hair care plan and home formulated care products using essential oils and other natural products. No chemical/mainstream products. as an incentive I am getting rid of all my styling products.... GHA!! very scary....

Another thing I know I need to do is wear my hair up most of the time to help maintain moisture and prevent breakage.

Each week I will post pictures of my styles for the week and what my routine has been and any fabulous experiments I have discovered.

Ready.... Set.... Go!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Newest Hobby

When I say I have a new hobby my wonderful husband just laughs.... You see, I have many, many, MANY hobbies. So for me to say I have a new one... isn't really anything new!

But I think this one might just make that man of mine smile... as long as I stick to it. What is my new hobby you are wondering? Well... it is organizing...(shhh, don't tell anyone)

Organizing is not something I have EVER though I would enjoy doing, or be able to do for that matter. I love the look of organized spaces. I love organizing supplies. I went into one of those organizing super stores once... had to almost be dragged out I was so overwhelmed... And there in lies the problem.

I never know where to begin!

So, when I stumbled across this wonderful banner.....
I thought..AHA! Here is where I start!! (go ahead and picture me doing a happy dance now)

Here it is... my first totally-ish organized space. It is calm, it is beautiful... and I am totally excited to do more!

I must mention.... The Man and I are starting to work out a financial plan. That is code for "no more spending". That means that whatever I organize wither has to be done for free or come out of the grocery budget... Which means it has to be done for free. The people around here get pretty cranky if I mess with their food...
 The total office space. It is actually a corner of my living/dining room. I just updated the bulletin board that is hanging above the desk. The Man brought it home from work a couple years ago. Now it will be our planning/dream board for our new financial journey :)
 This is the left side of my desk. On the top is two of our new binders. I am not sure if I will use separate binders for meal planning and emergency preps or try to fit it in my Home Management binder. In the wicker organizer is extra printer paper, the current grocery ads and receipts, envelopes(that I use more for organizing than actually mailing anything), scissors, hole punch, extra printer ink, and all my pens. In the first cubby is my label-er, my pin cushion for the bulletin board, a crystal dish that was my grandmothers containing hand sanitizer, chap stick and a sharpener and the three whole punch. On the bottom are some clip art books, a zipper pouch with my permanent markers and a note pad.
 Close up of the verse at the top of my plan/dream board.... seemed appropriate :)
 My note card holder made from scrapbook paper. I stuck it up using some of the ticky-tack stuff. I copied the note cards out of my clip art books. We will use these to write our financial goals and other plans on. We can also use them for our blessings jar I will show in a moment.
 The right side of the desk. The mail sorter has some pictures and the ticket for a spaghetti dinner at church that I don't want to lose, the envelopes for the UPC codes on the dog food(we buy 12 and get a free bag), and my action folders-To Do, To File, To Shred.. they still need labels. In the pretty box is all sorts of cords... most I have no idea but we can't lose them!... or so I'm told. The bottom is my financial planning books. The printer sits on a small filing cabinet the has all the homework supplies in it(pencils, sharpener, crayons...)
And finally our blessings jar. This is new for us this year. I saw the idea on Pinterest and had to join in! If you don't know, you write down all the good things that happens to your family during the year and place them in the jar. On New Years of the following year you sit down as a family and review all the blessings you have received.

There is my beautiful "new" office space. I love it! It inspires me to continue and make the rest of my home this beautiful.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit. Please come back for the kitchen!!